

Develop Faithful Character and Master 会计 Skills.

Do you want to use the gifts God gave you to make an impact? Become a trustworthy accounting professional for profit or nonprofit organizations. 学会掌握批判性思维, 成为一个性格驱动型的领导者, and develop an unshakable code of ethics. Pursue your calling to serve the Lord by earning your bachelor’s degree in 会计.

You’ll graduate prepared to sit for your Certified 会计师 (CPA) or Certificate in Managerial 会计 (CMA) exam. Join our 4+1 program to become qualified for your NYS CPA Licensure and earn a master’s degree in leadership.


准备好迈出下一步了? 报名参加参观! Call us at 585-594-7612 or schedule online.




在罗伯茨, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



You’ll become a more thoughtful, spiritually mature, and trustworthy servant leader.

Provide information for lenders and investors in financial accounting, or help businesses make decisions through managerial accounting.

Get hands-on learning with a local internship.



Matt graduated from the program in 2020. His time at Roberts helped him land a job at a local accounting firm soon after graduating.

他的股票, “Of all the awesome things that have happened in the last four years, I believe that I am most thankful for my growth. Early Sophomore year, I fell in love with God and my life changed significantly. [The] people and opportunities at Roberts have been essential to this growth.”


会计是商业的语言. Roberts 会计 students study and master this language, becoming fluent in managing their organization’s finances.

  • 财务与管理会计
  • Forensics, auditing, and income tax accounting
  • 信息系统
  • 经济学和个人理财
  • 战略管理
  • Organizational and personal leadership
  • 市场营销
  • 道德



  • Paychex
  • Flaherty Salmin注册会计师事务所
  • 联邦信用合作社
  • 孟氏消声器
  • DeJoy、可耐福 & 血
  • 联合金融合作伙伴
  • Heveron & 公司注册会计师
  • 质量相互
  • 门罗公司.
  • Mengel, Metger, Barr, and Co.


  • 会计师
  • 私人(管理)会计师
  • 盈利性或非盈利性会计
  • 控制器
  • 首席财务官
  • 舞弊审计
  • 所得税审计员
  • 投资分析师
  • 政府审计
  • 经济犯罪调查员
  • 财务主管


  • 美高梅mgm平台
  • 纽约州立大学Brockport
  • 罗切斯特大学
  • 锡拉丘兹大学
  • St. 约翰费希尔大学


会计 is “the language of business.“这涉及到管理, 处理, 分析, and interpreting all the financial information within a business. 

会计 involves the integration of foundational business concepts (like economics, 管理, 市场营销, and ethics) and the more technical aspects of accounting (such as data analytics, 信息系统, 取证, 以及审计和控制).

The traditional route to becoming a CPA includes these steps:

  1. Earning a bachelor’s degree in accounting or business administration. 
  2. Obtaining a master’s degree in accounting or another adjacent field, 作为注册会计师, 要求你有150个学分. 
  3. 获得会计经验. This could be done by working as an intern in an accounting environment.
  4. Take the CPA exam and become a Certified 会计师.

A CPA is a Certified 会计师 who has attained the proper licensure to practice accounting. 


  • 会计学士学位
  • 战略领导硕士学位
  • 成为注册会计师需要150个学分

According to the US Bureau of Labor, the median annual wage for accountants in 2021 was $77,250. The numbers will, naturally, differ by area, business, and position.

是的! 如果你来学校找工作 个人访问, you can meet individually with a professor to get an overview of the major and your individual questions answered. 美高梅mgm平台的 探索日活动 通常包括一个学院 & Services Expo, where you can meet your future professors.

We are committed to helping students meet the financial obligation to earn a degree and advance a career. 美高梅mgm平台的 Office of Student Financial Services works to assist all students in their effort to maximize financial aid. We award financial assistance to 100% of our undergraduate students.


工商管理 - Learn more about the 工商管理 program at Roberts: pursue your interests, 完成一次实习, & 体验更强的就业能力.
经济犯罪调查 - The 经济犯罪调查 program is an interdisciplinary major that blends courses from Criminal Justice, 会计, 和计算机科学, giving students a firm foundation in the procedures of criminal investigation and preparation of evidence for the justice system.
卫生行政 - Discover the 卫生行政 program at 美高梅mgm平台, designed to sharpen your healthcare skills and equip you with the expertise to improve patient care environments and advance healthcare re搜索. Explore our curriculum, faculty, and hands-on learning opportunities.
管理与社会企业家精神 -了解更多有关管理层的资料 & Social Entrepreneurship program at Roberts: build core business knowledge, & 成为社区需要的领导者!
市场营销 - Check out the 市场营销 program at 美高梅mgm平台: sharpen your communication skills, 集中你的创造力 & study core business concepts!
体育管理与市场营销 - Interested in a Sports Management Degree or Sports 市场营销 Degree? Roberts Wesleyan's 体育管理与市场营销 program has you covered!
Department of 本科 Business - 585.594.6571 - undergraduatebusiness@罗伯茨.edu